Chile launches a program that offers free tummy tucks

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Chile offers a great opportunity for people who need to remove excess skin from their abdomens. This can have a negative impact on aesthetics and personal hygiene. Read more about free tummy tucks.

This program is a great opportunity for anyone who needs to remove excess skin from their abdomen. The Ministry of Health will also offer close to 1000 abdominoplasty procedures starting in June.

The Ministry of Health’s program seeks to select 974 individuals, both men and women, who wish to remove excess skin from their abdomens, also known as the “apron abdomen”. However, this program requires that candidates go through an extensive evaluation filter and meet certain requirements in order to be eligible for this free type of plastic surgery. These requirements are necessary to eliminate complications.


Abdominoplasty, a type of plastic surgery, is performed to improve the appearance of the abdomen. Patients must have excess skin-derived mainly through pregnancies, and be overweight to practice it.

It is also important to note that this complex procedure involves the removal of excess skin, repair of abdominal muscles and reconstruction of the abdomen. Professionals are able to give the patient personalized attention and determine if he is a candidate for abdominoplasty.

To ensure quality results, it is important that the patient follows their postoperative period. Otherwise, there may be healing problems or seromas.

What’s the point of this program?

Abdominoplasty is currently ranked 5th among the most sought-after plastic surgeries in the world, according to Dr. Claudio Thomas (President of The Chilean Society of Plastic Surgery), during his visit on the Chilean television program “Welcome”.

Abdominoplasty Resolution Plan is a program that allows people with excessive skin to the abdomen to have an abdominoplasty. It’s primarily for those in grade 5. Selecting 974 individuals must meet certain requirements.

  • Participate in FONASA (National Health Fund), section A,B and C, D.
  • You must be under 55 years old to have a body weight index below 30 points. This means you cannot be overweight by 15 to 20 kilograms.
  • Your Body Mass Index (BMI), should not be greater than 27 if you are between 55-65 years old.
  • It is preferred that the patient quit smoking at least four months prior to the operation.
  • Candidates must have a Type 5 stomach. This means that the amount of flaccidity in their abdomen or skin must reach the pubic area.
  • People who are not obese will be preferred; those with excess fat or a bulky stomach will be discarded.
  • Candidates are people who appear to have two stomachs, one at their navel and the other at the pubis.
  • Candidates include women who are pregnant and have an abdominal type 5. However, it is recommended that at least six months have passed since the birth.
  • Patients who have had a bariatric procedure or treatment and whose skin has become too saggy after it has been lost weight are also ideal candidates. Type 5 abdominal.
  • Hypertension and diabetes are not suitable candidates, especially if they don’t have control of their condition.

After passing through an extensive evaluation filter, the candidate seeks to reduce any health risks or complications such as infections, bruises, and anesthesia problems.

Abdominoplasty does not correct the appearance of the abdomen. It is only cosmetic.

First-class plastic surgery

Each abdominoplasty procedure cost $2,564,860

First of all, the Ministry of Health has carefully planned the program. It is designed to give a change in appearance to those who are undergoing a tummy tuck. But it also provides quality and health care. This is why only certified plastic surgeons, experts in this field, support the Ministry of Health. They have the training and responsibility to perform this type of surgery. Additionally, 22 hospitals that are part of the national health system were selected. They have the equipment and characteristics necessary for the practice of abdominoplasties.

The Abdominoplasty Resolution Plan has a list of the centers they have chosen

There are many hospitals across the country where you can get the 974 tummy-tucks. This is the complete list:

  1. Arica Hospital (Arica)
  2. Dr. Ernesto Torres Galdames (Iquique)
  3. Dr. Leonardo Guzman (Antofagasta)
  4. San Juan de Dios Hospital (La Serena)
  5. San Pablo Hospital (Coquimbo)
  6. Dr. Eduardo Pereira Ramirez (Valparaiso)
  7. San Juan de Dios Hospital (The Andes)
  8. Rancagua Regional (Rancagua).
  9. San Juan de Dios Hospital in Curico (Curico)
  10. Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente (Concepcion)
  11. Hospital Higueras de Talcahuano (Talcahuano)
  12. Dr. Hernan Henriquez Aravena (Temuco)
  13. Valdivia Regional Hospital (Valdivia)
  14. Osorno Base Hospital (Osorno)
  15. Dr. Lautaro Navarro Avaria Hospital (Magallanes)
  16. Salvador Hospital (Metropolitan Region)
  17. Hospital El Carmen Dr. Luis Valentin Ferrada (Metropolitan Region)
  18. San Borja-Arriaran Hospital (Metropolitan Region)
  19. Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau (Metropolitan Region)
  20. Dr. Felix Bulnes Cerda (Metropolitan Region)
  21. Dr. Sotero del Rio (Metropolitan Region)
  22. Dr. Eloisa Diaz Insunza (Metropolitan Region)

Patients who wish to apply for the Plan should be referred by the office where they are registered.

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