There are seven facts about world history that will blow your children’s minds.

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Are you looking for some intriguing facts to pass on to your children to share? Check out these seven incredible facts from global history that will fascinate your children, ranging from the history of ancient Egypt to that of space travel.

Interesting Aspects of the Past

If your children are anything like the ones we know, they will be fascinated by interesting facts and will consume knowledge like a sponge. If you want to satisfy your child’s need for information and satisfy their natural curiosity, try teaching them these seven fascinating facts from the history of the globe. They will undoubtedly be taken aback by it.

1. The event commemorating the beginning of the new year in ancient Egypt was known as Wepet Renpet.

The phrase “the opening of the year” is what “Wepet Renpet” literally translates to in English. The New Year’s celebration that we are familiar with takes place on January 1st of each year; however, Wepet Renpet was celebrated in a manner that varied from year to year. It occurred during the month of July, which is traditionally when the Nile River is at its highest level due to its yearly flooding. The Ancient Egyptians observed Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, to calculate the time of Wepet Renpet. After being unable to view Sirius for a period of seventy days, they were aware that the flood and the festival would soon be upon them.

2.The Vikings were big on personal hygiene.

When you think about Vikings, you may picture tall, powerful guys wearing horned helmets. This is a common mental image. It may come as a surprise to learn that Viking males were genuinely quite concerned about their appearance. Many of them had their hair dyed in that color.They would even dye their beards if they had the chance. Not only that, but in order to clean the debris out of their ears, the Vikings used combs, tweezers, and ear spoons. They even took four times as many baths each week as the average person living during that historical period.

3. A dog by the name of Laika was the first live creature to be brought into space.

Sputnik was the first satellite ever to be sent into orbit around the Earth, and it was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957. After a delay of one month, they launched their second satellite, which was given the imaginative name Sputnik II. On board was a dog called Laika. These occasions served as the impetus for the United States to establish NASA and to carry out the launch of their very first satellite, the Explorer I, in the year 1958.

4. The little island of Easter has 887 monuments of huge heads in various poses.

Easter Island, also known as Rapa Nui, is just 14 miles long, yet it is home to approximately 900 enormous Moai sculptures made of volcanic rock. The average weight of these sculptures is 14 tonnes, which is equivalent to 28,000 pounds. After being pulled about on homemade sleds, these figures are said to have been sculpted around 2,000 years ago by scientists. The fact that nobody knows for certain what function the sculptures played is perhaps the funniest aspect of the situation, but there’s no denying that they’re beautiful to look at.

5. The Tower of Pisa has never stood upright in a vertical position.

Because it tilts to the side at an angle of almost 4 degrees, the Leaning Tower of Pisa has become a famous landmark and a popular destination for tourists. You might be forgiven for thinking that it shifted over time, but in reality, it has been slanted ever since the third storey was constructed in the very first place. Because nobody could figure out why it was acting in that manner, they decided to simply leave it alone. In the end, researchers did figure out that the leaning of the tower may be attributed to the fact that it was constructed on a clay foundation.

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6. The position of Queen Elizabeth II was never intended for her to hold.

Queen Elizabeth II, who is now ruling as queen of England, was born in London in 1926 as a princess and was never expected to become a queen. She is the current monarch of England and has been reigning since 1952. Due to the fact that he was not the oldest son in his family, her grandfather did not have the right to inherit the crown. However, Elizabeth’s uncle, King Edward, abdicated the throne, which elevated his brother to the position of king and made Elizabeth’s father the new monarch. Due to the fact that King Albert did not have any boys, Elizabeth finally took over as Queen in 1952. She was King Albert’s eldest daughter. She has held the position of Queen for 66 years, making her the monarch who has ruled the United Kingdom the longest.

7. During the Middle Ages, rats were responsible for the deaths of more than 75 million Europeans.

Even though it wasn’t quite a swarm of hungry killer rats, rats were nevertheless the culprits behind the Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, Fleas were the first vector for the disease’s transmission to rats, which in turn led to the disease’s transmission to people. The bubonic plague is still with us in modern times, but happily, medical professionals now know how to contain and halt its further spread.

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