How To Teach Students to Write in Detail?

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How Do I get students to write more?

It is one of the struggles that a teacher faces.

Writing is a part of arranging words innovatively. It does not come naturally to everyone, and that’s why some students fill pages while others stare at the blank sheet.

However, you can get every student to write comfortably without feeling pressured to do so. 

Providing a flexible and thought-provoking place to be seated and right is the first thing you must ensure as a teacher. Children are reluctant to write, and they find it tasking. 

The article talks about adopting the right strategies to make students write effortlessly.

10 Interesting Ways to Make Writing Fun for Students

Some children might take around 30 minutes to write a 5-line essay on a 1000-pound loan, while others crack in within 10 minutes. There could be multiple reasons behind it, but disinterest tops the students’ chart. Here are some tested strategies to get your students to write more and with dedication:

1)      Read out the lessons aloud

Reading is the best way of grabbing the interest of the child and improving vocabulary. Children respond better to vocal lessons owing to the brain’s power to retain what it just captured. Reading can help nurture the children’s ability to improve pronunciation and grammar.

These are the primary parameters for writing. Vocal lessons help children get clarity over the usage of vocabulary in writing. The curiosity makes them arrange sentences in line with what they hear.

2)      Get students to share writing ideas

It is an all-inclusive way to get the creative juices flowing. Student must share their ideas before putting them into words. It will help fellow students learn and brainstorm ideas and grant them an innovative frame.

 Sharing promotes collaboration and team efforts and helps a child grow as a writer. Ask them to make notes and write accordingly. In this way, students may get exposure to unique ideas from innovative minds. The practice will help improve brainstorming and innovative capabilities in students.

3)      How to write the “CONVINCE ME” letter

The “CONVINCE ME” letter is the best of its time technique to increase the word count of the students effortlessly. Moreover, the method promotes concentration and dedication to writing. It is a letter that a teacher may ask students to write about something a teacher believes to be a myth. For example, ask students to write a letter, convincing you of –

” Smartphone Games Do Not Affect Studies”             

The topic not only captures the student’s vibes, but convincing factor inspires them to prove their point. It is the best strategy to boost the interest of writing students and help their writing reflect their beliefs and thoughts.

4)      Inspire them to write a story

Stories get children excited. They may find it effortless to imbibe imaginary characters and create a different world on paper. There may be some incidents that they cherished in their lifetime and would love to trace. This way, you can get even the most disinterested child to grab a paper and a pen and write.

Stories include puzzle pieces knit together to frame a wonderful world, and it picturizes a child’s dreams and thoughts beyond the universe. To get students interested, you must create an excellent narrative.

To do so, you can share your childhood experience as a story. Share something that children could relate to. It will help children get the idea and frame a story. Get them into a habit of writing something every day. Students will learn writing and master the concept effortlessly.

5)      Create curiosity with videos and images

 Images and videos are a great way to engage young minds. Use a PPT presentation to narrate a story through audio and visuals. It engages the mind of students and piques their interest to know further.

If you are having difficulty getting people interested in writing, it is a beautiful technique to practice with students. Add images into a narrative and make a solid narrative to capture the interest. Or you can just put one shot on the board and ask your students to write whatever strikes their minds regarding the image. Let the student’s imagination run free. It will help them write and cover their imaginary horizons.


6)      Make them care about what they write

Writing is a responsibility, and it involves a narrative from multiple perspectives. Thus, the child must get responsible for what they write.

You can make them believe that most laureate minds will read the words they put on paper, creating a consciousness among them to use the right words in suitable spaces.

Ensure enough white space and become grammar conscious. Ask probing questions and grant them time to frame a compelling argument. They must know that whatever they put will be heard among their peers and others. It creates a competitive spirit, and students perform better.

Moreover, it helps them become disciplined and conscious of their wording while interacting with other students or peers in the class.

7)      Conference with each Student

Circling and filling the notebook with red marks negatively affect the child’s psyche. But unfortunately, most teachers prioritize grades. Instead, listen to what the students want. Conduct a small conference with students individually to know their concerns in writing.

Every child is unique. Therefore, it is essential to conduct a 1:1 session, as it helps them feel supported and encourages them to perform better. Helping students learn minor mistakes and improve them gradually.

8)      Gauge out their favorite books or comics

Tell your students to fill up a questionnaire whereby they will have to answer some interesting things about themselves – like their favorite movie, favorite anime character, the book that interests them the most, why, and the comic they read in their leisure time.

 Knowing your students better and teaching writing in their skin is a great practice. Get the student to narrate a story about their favorite characters or the anime. It automatically helps generate interest in writing. Or you can make it further more interesting by arranging the cut-outs to form a base of a story.

The cut-outs can be images of animals, kids, trees, etc., which can help create an excellent framework. It will help pique kids’ interest to puzzle down the characters in an exciting story frame and learn something new.

9)      Encourage and appreciate their work

A child learns better when he receives a pat on the back for dedication and hard work. The teachers need to appreciate even the little efforts of the child towards building writing skills.

Show a keen interest in the stories and their write-ups and grade them genuinely. They would love to share the growth stats with their guardians and would be encouraged to write further.

Besides teachers, guardians must ensure the best educational infrastructure with secured loans and no credit checks. It will help promote a productive atmosphere for your kids, who learn better.  

10)   Create a realistic atmosphere of learning

Until your student knows what they are writing about, they will never excel. Thus, prioritize revealing charts, models, or ppts of the things you want the children to write about, and it explains things better.

For example, while asking children to write 5 lines on an apple, reveal how it looks and feels.

Bottom line

These are some exciting ways to help a student gain interest in writing and grow as a writer.

I have 22 Year experience in website development, blogging, Seo, Link building. Digital Mareting Expert Certified By Hubspot Academy. Social Media Marketing Expert Certifed by Hubspot Academy. Google Adword Certifed Expert.

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